Friday, November 12, 2010

Can we find God In Hollywood ? Part 5

So what’s special about movies? First, we see films in a dark environment. It’s a separate world from the outside. The environment allows us the opportunity to enter into a new world and possibly a new reality. Second, we see movies as a community. We are surrounded by other people who want to enter into an experience. We are part of a community of people who share in a love for film. Third, movies offer a dialogue. It’s not just a one-way communication where the movies speak to us. We speak to each other as a community to try to understand its meaning and purpose. What did I just see? What does it mean? How did it affect you emotionally? How did it affect me? Is this important in my life? How do I identify with those in this film? These are some of the questions we ask ourselves and each other.

By asking these questions, it is quite possible that people can encounter God more at the movies than they can in church. We may see our lives portrayed on the screen and realize we are that person with all the consequences that our actions will bring. We are faced with recognizing our need for God or our need to change. Movies also allow us to better understand the human condition with its complex assortment of emotions such as fear, anxiety, love, hate, anger, despair, hope, etc.

Within the story we can see, experience and feel. The experience becomes more real and accessible than what we often encounter on Sunday morning. As we covered earlier, God speaks to us through all aspects of life. His presence can be felt throughout all of human culture because man is made in his image, and the Spirit of God is present in all of mankind. At some level movies can be more than capable of reflecting God’s truth and divine purpose for each of us because they are more tangible expressions of God’s grace and love.

So what is God’s heart for Hollywood or the broader entertainment and media industry? I believe God is interested in three areas. First, God wants the people of Hollywood and the entertainment industry to come to know him as Lord and Savior. Second, God wants to inspire filmmakers and media makers, both Christian and nonbelievers, to make art that reflects his glory and truth. Third, he desires art that will impact the lives of viewers so that they will discover truth and seek him.

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