Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Journey

If you have been reading my blog over the past few weeks, you know I write about media issues as they relate to faith and culture. Hopefully, you have found them interesting or helpful. But lately, God has been directing me to start writing about my personal journey as a media missionary.

As many of you may be aware, I founded Victory Videos Ministries in 1987. It later became UndergroundZone Ministries. What started as a public access television show would become The Zone. At its height, it aired on over 200 stations and 15 cable and satellite networks. God also called me to start training the next generation of media professionals as media missionaries. Over the past three years, we have offered film camps for high school students. For me, these camps were one of the most satisfying things I have ever done in ministry. To help young people realize their dreams is a very fulfilling achievement.

But, in life, things do change. Just as people, sometimes ministries also move on. UndergroundZone and I parted ways in July 2009. I was given rights to continue to broadcast The Zone and access to all of the curriculum I had established for the academy. So I made my plan to continue on with the work. I founded a new ministry called Flannelgraph Ministries. I wanted to revamp The Zone and make it the best program it could be. But, as you know, the costs of producing a television program are extremely high. Much of the support that I was counting on never materialized. The plan wasn’t working.

So I went back and made a new plan. An online site dedicated to the teaching and training of media missionaries. So we launched a new website called Unfortunately, creating a high-end website is also very expensive. Again, the resources never materialized to fulfill the dream. After a couple of months, I was realized this plan wasn’t working either. I’ve made many plans over 25 years in ministry and written countless business plans—you name it, 50 pages to 100 pages or goals and objectives.

So I had a new plan. Why not listen to what God is saying? Not that I’ve not tried that in the past. But when you have reached the point where your plan has failed, you really have to start listening. Some friends of mine convinced me to start writing a blog. I have to tell you. I hate writing. But I did it. After a few weeks, I actually started to enjoy it. And I was convinced that God was doing something. I had made a decision to seek where God is at work and to join him in whatever that was.

It became obvious that he wanted me to write a book. In fact, I’d been writing the book for several months and had not realized it. I knew it had to be from God because it was pouring out of me. Had I actually finally joined him in his work? I honestly was asking God questions about why the Body of Christ was not changing our world. Why are we being defined by the media culture? And finally, is there hope for the Body of Christ?

So over the past few weeks, I have been on a personal journey to write a book inspired and lead by the Holy Spirit. It is the last thing I would have ever considered doing. It’s funny how God works. My book will be called A Media Culture—Crisis or Opportunity and The Rise of the Media Missionary. I believe God has given me a plan that will make a profound difference in our culture if we, the Body of Christ, are willing to change our perspective and attitude toward the media.

So how will I get it published? This time I do not have a plan. I am going to count on God for his guidance and direction. Will I find a publisher, or will it be self published? Who will help me? I don’t have the answer to these questions, but I am convinced that God gave me this book, and he will provide the answers.

Can the book help launch Flannelgraph Ministries and I believe that will ultimately happen in time. The book is going to serve as a catalyst and provide a platform to speak out about the media culture and the role and purpose of media missionaries. God is moving in the entertainment industry. He wants us to join him in his work. This book will provide insight into how that can happen. I am thrilled to be on this journey. And I invite you to join me as I keep you informed on the progress and development of what God is doing.

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