Saturday, February 13, 2010

To Change the World Campaign – Through Five Core Principles Part 6

If we are going to reach Hollywood and fulfill the Great Commission, we must have a different mindset and a change of heart, which starts once we embrace our first two core principles.

Principle One—Christianity is rapidly loosing its impact on culture. Today the media controls the culture and, by doing so, controls the hearts and minds of the people. That includes both young and old, Christians and nonbelievers. In fact, it is no longer possible to determine where culture starts and where media ends. They have united to create a media culture. We now have a “media culture crisis”. Every Christian must play a part in solving this crisis.

Principle Two—Christians must become media literate so that we are knowledgeable in the language of media and its influence. And by doing so, we can unlock the meaning of the message which media communicates and take control of how we respond to the message.

When we recognize that we have a media culture crisis and decide we want to respond to the crisis, we must start first with reaching Hollywood. Remember Hollywood is the most influential mission field on the planet. If we reach Hollywood, we reach the world. Consider this. Foreign missionaries will tell you that the greatest influence on their people group is the American media. Media produced by Hollywood shapes the hearts and minds of people around the globe. Some 60 years ago, the President of Indonesia requested an audience with some of the key Hollywood executives of the day. He stated that he regarded them as political radicals and revolutionaries, who had hastened political change in the East by creating unrest. He said what the Orient saw in a Hollywood movie was a world in which all of the ordinary people had cars, electric stoves, and refrigerators. Now the Orient regarded itself as an ordinary person who has been deprived of the ordinary man’s birthright. If that was 60 years ago, you can only imagine how our influence has increased throughout the world.

What happens if we embrace Hollywood as a mission field? Not only do we influence the uttermost parts of the earth, but we get a 2-for-1 deal. We also can impact our own hometown and our own local mission. Why? Because Hollywood’s influence is everywhere. It’s the only mission field that extends beyond the physical limitations of a confined space and time. America’s number one export is entertainment. If we embrace Hollywood as a mission field, our message will be part of whatever Hollywood is exporting.

Finally, by accepting Hollywood as a mission field, we are embracing Jesus’ commandment found in Acts 1:8 which says, “But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power, and you will tell people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem (in your hometown), throughout Judea (in your state), Samaria (in Hollywood) and throughout the ends of the earth.”

We have a passion and conviction that drives us as Christians in our efforts to embrace foreign missions. No sacrifice or effort is too great. We are on board with a “whatever it takes” attitude. We need that same passion and mindset if we are to be successful in our efforts to redeem Hollywood. I know we can do it. And I’m sure it’s on God’s “To do List”. The only question is are we willing.

By accepting the third principle, we can move on to the fourth principle, which will give us discernment, wisdom and the help we need to fulfill Principle Three.

Principle Three – In order to engage our culture, we must recognize Hollywood and the entertainment industry as a legitimate mission field. In fact, Hollywood represents a unique people group or tribe that for the most part has not been reached. They have their own language, customs, and culture. In order to redeem Hollywood and the broader entertainment industry, we must stop blaming them for all of society’s problems and begin a dialogue of reconciliation.

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